Thursday, 29 March 2012

Health Tips to manage the Neck sprain Pain

HealthNFitness News: A ligaments sprain of the neck can lead to symptoms including spasms, headache, stiffness and numbness in the arm or hand.

Tips to manage a sprained neck:

  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
  • Apply an ice pack to the sprain for the first few days after injury, and then switch to a heating pad.
  • Gently massage the area.
  • Consider ultrasound or neck traction treatments.
  • Ask your doctor about whether aerobic and isometric exercises could be helpful.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

High Heels Bring on Ingrown Toenails

HealthNFitness Tips: High heels and other snug-fitting or pointed shoes are a leading cause of ingrown toenails, by putting constant pressure on the toes, the big toenails can grow into the skin and cause an infection, yet many women are unwilling to trade in their heels for more practical shoes.

Women who wear heels to take the following steps to prevent ingrown toenails:

  • Trace each foot on cardboard and cut it out. Be sure the cutouts fit into a new pair of shoes before buying them to ensure they are not too narrow.
  • Avoid wearing tight stockings.
  • Don't wear heels longer than necessary.
  • Avoid walking too far or standing too long in heels.
  • Cut toenails straight across the top.
  • Soak feet using Epsom salts or a soapy, lukewarm bath.
  • Make sure feet are dried well with a clean towel.
  • Apply a mild antiseptic to the toes.

If a toe becomes painful, swollen or has a discharge, it is likely infected and needs to be treated by a podiatrist. If the condition resists treatment, the toenail can be removed.

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Health Tips for Caring an Enlarged Prostate

HealthNFitness Tips: As men age, it's common to develop an enlarged prostate, which can cause symptoms that include slowed urination, painful urination and a strong and sudden urge to urinate.
Tips to manage mild symptoms of an enlarged prostate:
  • Go to the bathroom often, and urinate as soon as you feel the need.
  • Restrict caffeine and alcohol, particularly after dinner.
  • Restrict fluids within two hours of bedtime, and spread out fluid intake throughout the day.
  • Avoid over-the-counter medications that contain antihistamines or decongestants, which can worsen symptoms.
  • Get regular exercise and try to stay warm.
  • Limit stress when possible.