Thursday, 30 September 2010

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Wednesday, 29 September 2010

How Type 2 Diabetes Peoples Can Lose Weight, Keep It Off

An demanding lifestyle change program helped people with type 2 diabetes lose weight and keep it off, a new study shows. The program also led to improved control of blood glucose levels and concentrated risk factors for cardiovascular disease, both of which are critical in preventing long-term complications caused by diabetes.
The study integrated 5,145 overweight or obese people, average age 58.7, with type 2 diabetes. About half were assigned to a lifestyle intervention that included diet changes and physical activity designed to achieve a 7 percent weight loss in the first year and maintain it in following years.
The other participants were assigned to a diabetes education and support group that held three sessions a year to discuss diet, exercise and social support.
After four years, the participants in the lifestyle interference group had lost an average of 6.2 percent of their body weight, compared with 0.9 percent for the diabetes support group. The lifestyle interference group also had greater improvements in fitness, blood glucose control, blood pressure and levels of "good" HDL cholesterol.
"Even though the differences between the two groups were greatest initially and decreased over time for several measures, the differences between the two groups averaged across the four years were substantial. The results indicate that the intensive lifestyle intervention group spent a considerable time at lower cardiovascular disease risk," the researchers wrote.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Be Sit Properly at the Computer

It is important to maintain proper position when sitting at the computer.The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offer these suggestions:

  • Option for a chair that is easy to adjust, feels stable, includes a backrest, and with wheels that touch the floor at a minimum of five points.
  • Make sure your knees are at the level of your hips while your feet are planted on the floor.
  • Use bendable armrests to support your arms and place your elbows close to your waist.
  • Make sure the seat is padded and offers at least an inch of room beyond your thighs and hips.
  • The seat should slightly point near the floor. There also should be some room between the back of your knees and the seat.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Breast Cancer Patients in Canada Drop With Decrease in HRT

A decline in breast cancer rates among postmenopausal women in Canada previous this decade coincided with a decrease in the use of hormone replacement therapy, a new study shows.
Researchers analyzed national data and found that "the nearly 10 percent drop in enveloping breast cancer rates coincided with the decline in use of hormone replacement therapy reported among Canadian women aged 50 to 69 years."
The largest decrease in hormone therapy occurred between 2002 and 2004, when use fell from 12.7 percent to 4.9 percent. During that same period, there was a 9.6 percent decline in breast cancer occurrence, said Prithwish De, of the Canadian Cancer Society, and colleagues.
Hormone therapy use decreased radically in several countries after the release in 2002 of a U.S. study that showed the health risks of hormone therapy outweighed the benefits. The researchers noted that breast cancer rates amongst postmenopausal women in Canada began to rise again in 2005. This may be further evidence of a connection between hormone therapy and breast cancer, they said.
"Such a return might be expected if [undetected] hormone-sensitive tumors were merely slowed by the withdrawal of hormone replacement therapy rather than prevented by it. If so, hormone substitute therapy may be thought to act as a promoter, rather than a cause of breast cancer," the researchers said in the release.

Thursday, 23 September 2010

Help Prevent Bed Wetting

Many children wet the bed until age 5, and an occasional lapse among even older children is common, experts say.
The National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information Clearinghouse offers these suggestions to help prevent bed wetting:
  •  Limit your child to one drink with dinner.
  •  Don't let your child drink anything just before bed.
  •  Don't give your child beverages that contain caffeine, which accelerates urine production.
  •  Have your child use the bathroom immediately before bed.
  •  Don't scold or punish your child for wetting the bed, and encourage dry nights with lots of praise.

Injections May Relieve Drooling in Nerve-Damaged Kids

Botulinum toxin injections may temporarily relieve drooling in children with certain neurological conditions, a new European study has found.
Depending on its severity, drooling can lead to stigmatization and social neglect, numerous daily clothing changes, skin irritation around the mouth, aspiration pneumonia and dehydration, Dr. Arthur Scheffer of Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, and colleagues noted in a news release about their study.
In the study, Scheffer's team gave botulinum toxin injections to 131 children, average age 10.9 years, with cerebral palsy or other non-progressive neurological conditions, as well as moderate to severe drooling. Two months after the injections, the average drooling quotient had fallen to 15.5 (on a scale of zero to 100) from 28.8 at the start of the study. And, the study authors noted, 61 patients achieved a 50 percent reduction in drooling.
At the eight-month follow-up, the average drooling quotient was 18.7, according to the report in the September issue of the journal Archives of Otolaryngology -- Head & Neck Surgery.
Botulinum toxin injections have been used safely for years, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. Side effects can include rash, whole-body muscle soreness, difficulty swallowing and weakness in the injected muscles, but they usually go away quickly, the AAP notes.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Weight Loss Equals economic Gain

Losing weight will get better your health, but also help you save thousands of dollars.A study released Tuesday by George Washington University researchers showed the annual overall cost for being fat is $4,879 for women and $2,646 for men.

The study factored in equipment like sick days taken at work, the cost of extra gasoline, medical bills, and the loss of productivity. It is more luxurious for women to be obese, because according to the study, obese women earn less money than healthy women -- while obese men earn about the same as healthy men. The story also shows a gender difference in the economic value of lost life. This feature raises the women's annual obesity costs up to $8,365, and men's to $6,518.
Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or fat.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

Metabolic Syndrome Doubles Heart Risk, Analysis Shows

The combination of metabolic syndrome risk factors -- including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and insulin resistance -- increases the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. And about 25 percent of American adults have metabolic syndrome, according to the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
In the new analysis, researchers examined more than 70 recent studies that included a total of nearly one million patients. The investigators found that people with metabolic syndrome are up to 2.5 times more likely to die of heart-related causes and to have heart disease, a heart attack or stroke, compared to people without the syndrome.
"Ultimately, population-level interventions such as New York City's ban on trans-fats are needed to decrease the number of people with the metabolic syndrome and their corresponding cardiovascular risk," Eisenberg said in the news release.

The ideal Ways For Women To find And Stay Fit

Fitness workouts can be extremely aggravating for women, especially when they see few if any results for their hard work. The truth is that there is no overnight "cure" for being unfit. It takes time, perseverance and effort to overcome.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Most of the Americans Do not Get Daily Exercise

Only about 5 percent of American adults do some type of energetic physical activity on any given day, according to the results of a new study. Researchers analyzed 2003-2008 data from nearly 80,000 participants, aged 20 and older, in the American Time Use study, a national telephone-based poll that asked people what they did in the preceding 24 hours.
Most respondents reported sedentary activities such as eating and drinking (95.6 percent) and watching television/movies (80.1 percent), or light behavior such as washing, dressing and grooming (78.9 percent), and driving a car, truck or motorcycle (71.4 percent).
The most regularly reported moderate activities were food and drink preparation (25.7 percent) and lawn, garden and houseplant care (10.6 percent), lead investigator Catrine Tudor-Locke, director of the Walking Behavior Laboratory at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La., and colleagues found. Only 5 percent of respondents reported vigorous physical activities, including using cardiovascular exercise equipment (2.2 percent) and running (1.1 percent).
The survey findings are published online and in the October print issue of the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. On any given day, most U.S. adults reported performing mostly sedentary and light activities. The greatest frequency for reported moderate activities was food and drink preparation for both men (12.8 percent) and women (37.6 percent)," the authors wrote in the report.

Gene Study Adds to investigate of Breast Cancer Risk

Findings may help scientists develop way to predict creature risk in BRCA1 mutation carriers. Newly recognized gene mutations may affect breast cancer risk in some women, an international team of researchers has found.
It is already known that BRCA1 gene mutations significantly increase the risk of breast and ovarian cancer. This new study looked at whether other gene mutations might adjust or alter that breast cancer risk.
The Mayo Clinic-led team first studied genetic mutations in 1,193 women with BRCA1 mutations who had enveloping breast cancer and 1,190 women with BRCA1 mutations who didn't have breast cancer. They then used those results to study a larger sample of women in each group.
The investigators finally identified five gene mutations in the region of chromosome 19p13 that modify breast cancer risk in women with BRCA1 gene mutations. But these mutations do not distress ovarian cancer risk in these women, the researchers noted.
The findings, available in the current issue of the journal Nature Genetics, may help improve understanding of the causes of breast cancer and "should be useful in helping determine individual risk for breast cancer in BRCA1 carriers," senior author Fergus Couch said in a news release from the Mayo Clinic.

Know more about Cancer

Friday, 17 September 2010

Top 3 Fast Weight Loss secrets

Here we have given top 3 Fast Weight Loss Tips. The video give tips for weight loss. Now you can Start your resolution off right with a healthy lifestyle diet and exercise plan. In these free weight losses diet tips will help you lose fat and weight fast!

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Unfit men working long hours dual risk of heart death

Unfit men who work long hours are more than twice as probable to die of heart disease as unfit men who work shorter hours, according to new research. By gap, fit men who work long hours are not more likely to die of heart disease, the research found.
It is well known that long working hours are bad for but it has not been clear if physical fitness levels have any crash on the attendant rates of disease and death. The findings are based on 5,000 Danish men, aged 40 to 59, who between them worked in 14 different companies, and whose heart health and physical fitness levels were after tracked over 30 years.
Participants completed a cycling exercise stress-test and provided details on the standard number of hours they worked every week. More than two-thirds of the men clocked up between 41 and 45 hours a week, and approximately one in five worked more than this. During the monitoring period, 587 of them died (11.9 per cent) as a result of ischaemic heart disease.
Men working 41 to 45 hours a week were 59 per cent more likely to die of heart disease, but not more likely to die of other causes than men working less hours. Physically fit men working longer hours were 45 per cent less likely to die of heart disease and 38 per cent less likely to die of other causes than persons who were unfit. “The results that working more than 45 hours a week is connected with more than a doubled risk of (death from heart disease)among men with low physical fitness, and not among men with moderate or high physical fitness, is a new surveillance,” the study’s authors commented.

Mens Health Fitness and Nutrition With Hollywood Body Club coach Max "The Body" Philisaire

This video demonstrates a few of those exercises.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Top 20 facts For Living Longer

Health and physical activity tips include information on men's and women's health and wellness including advanced nutritional products for the immune system, joint health, weight loss and general health. All five components of fitness and health: strength training, weight management, cardiovascular exercise, nutrition, and flexibility training.
Here are the top twenty time-tested healthy habits that have survived for centuries to increase the size and quality of our life. 
  1. Eat mostly plants.(Have meat as a side dish as a replacement for of the main dish) 
  2. Put family first.(Time with family is priceless)  
  3. Need to take a walk.(Our legs are meant to move us, so move) 
  4. Drink a glass of red wine every day. (It has been a practice for centuries, it must be good) 
  5. Reduce and manage pressure. (Stress kills, so avoid it or deal with it) 
  6. Have a purpose. (Be energized when you wake up each morning)  
  7. Get outdoors. (We came from natural world, go back for a visit) 
  8. Be thankful. (Understand what you got and you will get more)  
  9. Have fun. (Do things that you enjoy) 
  10. Keepup a healthy body weight (Move more, eat less)  
  11. Get regular exercise. (Push and pull heavy things) 
  12. Love and laugh (if possible both at the same time)  
  13. Snack on nuts (The most nutrient dense food in the world) 
  14. Give something back. (If you want to get, you have to give)  
  15. Eat a huge breakfast. (Your mother was right again) 
  16. Eat a medium lunch (It's a lunch break, not a lunch batter)  
  17. Eat a small dinner (sufficient eating already) 
  18. Drink large of water. (It is the basis of all living things)  
  19. Sleep when it's dark. (There is a reason why we cannot see in the dark) 
  20. Learn new things. (You live, you learn) 
Torn Rotator Cuff Symptoms - Torn rotator cuff symptoms consist of pain and weakness.
Weight Loss Medication

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Tips to Healthy Heart Diet

If you want to have a healthy heart, you have to find out how to eat a healthy heart diet. All of the food you eat special effects the health of your heart. Find out which foods are heart smart and try to include them as a regular part of your diet.
Check with your doctor for an eating plan that best suits your dietary needs. If you are a normal health, you can almost certainly follow the Food Pyramid eating plan.
No issue which eating plan you follow, the following guidelines are recommended:
  • Total fat intake must be less than 30 percent of total calories daily.
  • Saturated fatty acid intake must be less than 10 percent of total calories daily.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acid eating should be no more that 10 percent of total calories daily.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids make up the rest of total fat eating, about 10 to 15 percent of total calories daily.
  • Cholesterol intake must be no more than 300 milligrams per day.
  • Sodium intake must be no more than 3000 milligrams per day.
  • Be careful of chemicals in your food like caffeine, MSG, and other food additives.

Don't forget that you can enjoy the feel of eating right. Healthy heart foods can be delicious! For more details, consult our Heart Smart

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

U.S. Meets Initial Breast-feeding Goal, Falls little on Others

Seventy-five percent of U.S. newborns delivered in 2007 ongoing life breast-feeding a figure that meets federal goals but that rate plummeted to 43 percent at six months and 22 percent at one year, a federal government study released Monday shows.
The report shows that breast-feeding initiation rates ranged from 52.5 percent in Mississippi to nearly 90 percent in Utah. Breast-feeding rates at six months ranged from about 20 percent in Louisiana to more than 62 percent in Oregon, while rates at one year ranged from 8 percent in Mississippi to nearly 40 percent in Oregon.
U.S. hospitals had an average score of 65 out of 100 possible points on a CDC survey that measures infant nutrition and care, according to the report card. The scores ranged from 50 in Mississippi to 81 in New Hampshire.
"Evidence shows that hospital routines can help or hinder mothers and babies as they are learning to breast-feed. The care that mothers receive from hospitals should always be based on practices that are proven to help them continue breast-feeding after they go home," she added.
Research has shown that breast-feeding offers many health benefits to babies, including protection from bacterial and viral infections and reduced risk of becoming overweight or obese later in life.
Breast-feeding has also been linked to a lower risk, in children, of getting type 1 or type 2 diabetes, asthma and childhood leukemia. In mothers, it is associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, breast or ovarian cancer, and postpartum depression, according to the National Women's Health Information Center.

Monday, 13 September 2010

Ectomorphs: How to grow Weight

How to Gain Weight is part of his Transformation Truth vlog series. It's all about how to achieve true & health and fitness and dispel the rediculous myths and bogus supplements that the "health and fitness" industry spend millions of dollars try to brainwash us with. Honest, up front and shooting from the hip. Chris Krueger injects realism into a world gone mad.

It's significant for all of us to reach and strive for our true potential. We must be fit, fast, and strong, natural athletes. We must look, feel and be our best. Part of that is using suitable form so that we can safely train our bodies and get results as quickly as possible.

I strongly support everyone to go outside and play. Run, jump, and have fun. Life is to short to spend it inside study reality tv and eating microwave pizza rolls. Challenge yourself with new activities and push yourself to be your best. And watch my vlog, Transformation Truth

If you locate goals to be fitter, faster, and stronger and pursue them with the Heart of a Champion, everything else will physically fall into place . Be your best.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Frequent Stroke Risk Higher for Some Hispanics

Study finds,Mexican-Americans with atrial fibrillation twice as likely to suffer a second stroke compared to whites.
Mexican-American stroke survivors with a heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation are more than twice as likely to suffer a second stroke compared to white patients, a new study finds.
It also found that even though these strokes are more likely to be severe among Mexican-Americans, they don't have a greater risk of death after a second stroke.
In people with atrial fibrillation, the heart's upper chambers (atria) beat irregularly and don't pump blood effectively. This can cause blood to pool within the atria, which can lead to the formation of blood clots that can break off and travel to the brain, causing a stroke.
This study included 88 Mexican-Americans and 148 white stroke survivors with atrial fibrillation. Compared to the white patients, the Mexican-American stroke survivors were younger, less likely to have completed 12 years of education, more likely to have diabetes, and less likely to have a primary care physician.
Over a median follow-up of 427.5 days, 19 Mexican-Americans and 14 whites had at least one recurrent stroke. All but one of those cases involved an ischemic stroke, which is caused by blocked blood flow to the brain. One Mexican-American patient suffered a hemorrhagic stroke, which is bleeding in the brain.
"Based on some of our prior research, we were not necessarily surprised by the higher recurrence rate in Mexican-Americans with atrial fibrillation, but the greater severity of recurrent strokes in Mexican-Americans was surprising," co-author Dr. Darin B. Zahuranec, an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Michigan Cardiovascular Research Center in Ann Arbor, said in an American Heart Association news release.
One reason for the difference in stroke rates could be that Mexican-Americans may not have managed the blood-thinning drug warfarin -- often used to prevent stroke -- in the most optimal way, Zahuranec said. He and his colleagues did not evaluate outpatient use of warfarin, which might have contributed to the increased risk of stroke in Mexican-Americans.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Play time For Fun Family Fitness

Time can be a major constraint when it comes to fitting fitness and running out into your daily schedule. So it makes a lot of sense to choose activities that complete two goals with a single effort. Family play times are an outstanding way to increase good health and fitness for the entire family.
So the next time that you’re scheduling to settle down to a family movie, head out and play tag instead. This is quality time spent together by the family that raises the heart rate and family fitness, and much less time spend before the TV. The physical activity is as good for the children as it is for you.
Kids today have far more active lives than ever before, with the TV, computer, video games and other things that keep them indoors. All of this shared with the convenient food lifestyle raises risk of obesity and health concerns among kids.
To give kids a improved start in life, get them involved in your fitness program, since this will not only get them active, it will also increase your possibility of sticking to the program. And if you don’t have your own kids to play with, make friends with the neighbor’s kids!

2 Genes Have probable Link to Deadly Ovarian Cancer

Scientists say result s may lead to new therapies for ovarian clear cell carcinoma.
Mutations in two genes may be linked with one of the most deadly types of ovarian cancer, U.S. researchers have found.
In the study, researchers at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center looked for mutations in 18,000 protein-encoding genes in ovarian clear cell tumors from eight patients. The investigators starts 268 mutations in 253 genes, with an average of 20 mutations per tumor.
Further inquiry revealed that two genes  ARID1A and PPP2R1A were more commonly mutated than other genes. ARID1A mutations were present in 57 percent of tumors while PPP2R1A mutations were present in 7.1 percent of tumors, according to the report available in the Sept. 8 online edition of Science Express.
ARID1A is a gene whose manufactured goods normally suppresses tumors. PPP2R1A is a gene that, when altered, helps turn normal cells into tumor cells. The genes had not previously been linked to ovarian cancer, the researchers explained in a rumor release from the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
The findings "may provide opportunities for developing new biomarkers and therapies that target those genes," Nickolas Papadopoulos, associate professor of oncology and director of Translational Genetics at the Ludwig Center for Cancer Genetics & Therapeutics at the cancer center, said in the news release.
Ovarian clear cell carcinoma, which accounts for about 10 percent of cancers that start in cells on the surface of the ovaries, mainly affects women aged 40 to 80 and is opposed to to chemotherapy, according to background information in the news release.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Men Seem More delicate to Memory Problems Than Women

The New Study finds, Among elderly, rate of mild injury was 1.5 times higher in males. Elderly men are more likely to suffer memory problems than women, new research shows.
The study integrated 2,050 people, aged 70 to 89, in Olmsted County, Minn., who were interviewed about their memory and medical history, and who undergo testing of their memory and thinking skills.
Overall, nearly 14 percent of the participants had mild cognitive destruction (MCI), but the rate was 1.5 times higher in men (19 percent) than in women (14 percent). People with MCI have memory or thoughts problems that are more serious than what's associated with normal aging. Although not everyone who has MCI develops Alzheimer's disease, people with the impairment do often go on to develop it, according to the Alzheimer's Association.
The study, published in the Sept. 7 issue of the journal Neurology, also found that about 10 percent of the participants had dementia, and 76 percent had normal memory and view skills.
"This is the first study conducted among community-dwelling persons to find a higher occurrence of MCI in men," study author Dr. Ronald Petersen, of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said in an American Academy of Neurology news release.
"If these results are established in other studies, it may suggest that factors related to gender play a role in the disease. For example, men may skill cognitive decline earlier in life but more gradually, whereas women may transition from normal memory directly to dementia at a later age but more quickly," he added.
The study, funded by the U.S. National Institute on Aging and a Mayo Clinic Alzheimer's disease research program, also found that MCI was more common among people who had a lower level of education or who were never married.

Large Companies More Likely to recommend Dental Insurance

Only about a third of all U.S. businesses offer it, study finds, Larger companies and those in more populated areas of the United States are more likely to offer dental insurance to employees, finds the first comprehensive study on the issue.
The analysis of state-by-state and national dental insurance coverage offered by 6.4 million employers was conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland Dental School in Baltimore and the federal Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
They found that 56 percent of U.S. companies presented health insurance, 35 percent offered dental insurance, and 63 percent of those that offered health insurance also offered dental insurance.
Alaska had the highest percentage of firms presenting both health and dental coverage (80.8 percent), while the lowest was Vermont, at 42.8 percent.
Businesses that offer dental insurance are more likely to employ a better number of people, have more than one location and be older, more established companies.
The study appears in the Journal of the American Dental Association.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Keep Health in Mind When scheduling School Day Menu

As parents get ready for their children's revisit to school, they want to remember that healthy meals and snacks are essential for learning.
"Parents can make the school day easier for their children by provided that nutritious and yummy breakfasts, lunches and snacks that promote optimal learning. Everyone is in a charge in the morning, but it only takes a few minutes on Sunday to plan healthy meals to fuel your child's week," Karin Richards,Exercise Science and Wellness Management program, director of the and director of Health Sciences at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia, said in a university news release.
Richards offered the following advice for parents as they plan breakfast, lunch and snacks for their school-age children:
  • It contains at least three types of foods into each meal, making sure to include some type of protein and complex carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bagels or pasta. The complex carbohydrates will provide energy while the protein will satisfy your child's appetite for a longer period of time.

  • Bring your child to the market with you and let him or her select one fruit or vegetable each week. Encourage kids to try new and interesting produce such as kiwi, papaya and edamame.

  • Check portion size. Three to four ounces of meat is plenty. Adjust the amount based on your child's age and action level.
    Add more vegetables into your child's diet, still if you have to sneak them in. For example, try zucchini bread, veggies with low-fat dip, or shred carrots into tomato sauce and soups.

  • For beverages, suggest low-fat milk or water. If you child prefers juice, make sure it's 100 percent juice.
  • Monday, 6 September 2010

    College Students Reminded to clean Their Hands

    As college students start on to settle into their new dorm rooms at campuses countrywide, one New York City-based public health advocate is contribution some basic advice to help them stay healthy during the upcoming flu season.
    Kathryn Hutchinson, executive director of health and wellness at St. John's University, meaningful out that the first thing students should do, ideally before leaving home, is to discuss the option of getting a flu vaccine with their parents and physician. This may help improve any anxiety students have about whether or not to get the shot.
    Ahead of taking that step, Hutchinson encourages students to arrive at school armed and ready to keep their hands clean and preserve a sanitary environment. That means stocking a supply of soap, as well as cleaning provisions to wipe down desks, sinks, computer keyboards and any other shared surfaces.
    Frequent handwashing is a must, and hand sanitizers are useful when washing is impossible. But, Hutchinson harassed, sharing glassware, utensils and personal items such as toiletries (razors, toothbrushes, combs) is definitely not a good idea.
    Also, students are urged to keep a digital thermometer on hand, and their health insurance card in case they need medical attention.
    One good way to keep from distribution germs is to practice "cough etiquette" -- in other words cover the nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, bowl away any used tissues immediately, and wash your hands as soon as possible.
    Overall, Hutchinson said, most students will find that the usual recommendations -- an work out routine, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep -- are the keys to staying healthy, as well as reducing their stress. But if and when health problems arise, she advises students to call a health care professional immediately.

    Friday, 3 September 2010

    The New Study Identifies Risks for Painkiller Addiction

    Greater odds if you're younger than 65, have a history of drug violence and depression, and use psychiatric meds. The mystery of why some people are more likely to become obsessed to opioid painkillers has been partially unraveled by the Geisinger Health System in Pennsylvania.
    Its researchers found that the group most helpless to addiction has four main risk factors in common: age a history of depression, prior drug abuse, and using psychiatric medications. Painkiller dependence rates among patients with these factors are as high as 26 percent.
    For the study, they interviewed and analyzed DNA from 705 patients with back pain who were arranged opioid painkillers -- a class that includes such narcotics as morphine and codeine -- for more than 90 days.
    The researchers also studied a gene on chromosome 15 that has been connected with alcohol, cocaine and nicotine addiction. The data recommended that DNA mutations on a gene gather on chromosome 15 may also be associated with opioid addiction. "These results suggest that patients with pre-existing risk factors are more likely to become addicted to painkillers, providing the basis for further clinical evaluation," Joseph Boscarino, an epidemiologist and senior researcher at Geisinger's Center for Health Research, said in a health system news release.
    "By assessing patients in chronic pain for these risk factors before prescribing painkillers, doctors will be better able to treat their patients' pain without the probable for future drug addiction," he added. Boscarino and colleagues also said these same risk factors may enlarge the risk of drug addiction in patients without a history of chronic pain.

    Many Americans Don't Even Know They are Fat

    Harris Interactive/HealthDay poll finds 30 % of those overweight think they're normal size. Many Americans have distorted perceptions when it comes to their weight, often believing they are thinner than they really are, even when the scales are shouting otherwise, a new poll finds.As part of the Harris Interactive/Health Day survey, respondents were asked to offer their height and weight, from which pollsters calculated their body-mass index (BMI), a ratio of mass to height. Respondents were then asked which category of weight they thinking they fell into.
    Thirty percent of those in the "overweight" class supposed they were actually normal size, while 70 percent of those classified as obese felt they were simply overweight. Among the heaviest group, the morbidly obese, almost 60 percent pegged themselves as fat, while another 39 percent considered themselves just overweight.
    These results may help to explain why overweight and obesity rates in the United States persist to go up, experts say."Whereas there are some people who have body images in line with their real BMI, for many people they are not, and this may be where part of the problem lies," said Regina Corso, vice president of Harris Poll Solutions. "If they do not differentiate the problem or don't recognize the severity of the problem, they are less likely to do something about it."
    According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 34 percent of adults aged 20 and older are obese, and 34 percent are overweight. Among children, 18 percent of teens aged 12 to 19 are obese, 20 percent of children aged 6 to 11 are obese, as are 10 percent of kids aged 2 to 5.
    "We're seeing the couch potato stigma [syndrome]," Corso said. "Three out of five Americans overall are saying they don't exercise as much as they should." As for weight-loss interventions, the respondents deemed surgery the most effective method, followed by prescription drugs, then drugs and diet-food supplements obtained over-the-counter.
    "The American public knows this but it's hard and it's something that they're not quite ready to do," Corso added. "This wake-up call still isn't ringing as loudly as it could." The poll included 2,418 adults (aged 18 and over) who were surveyed online between Aug. 17 and 19.

    Wednesday, 1 September 2010

    Lower Blood Pressure May be Help Sicker Kidney Patients

    Standard goal may not be low enough for those with protein in their urine, study finds, Aggressive treatment to lower high blood pressure may help protect kidney function and prevent the need for dialysis in some black patients with chronic kidney disease.
    That's the decision of a study published Sept. 2 in the New England Journal of Medicine.
    "This is not a solution. We have a lot more to figure out. But our proof suggests that we have a way to at least delay or possibly even prevent end-stage kidney disease in some patients," study leader Dr. Lawrence J. Appel, a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, said in a Hopkins news release.
    The study of 1,094 black patients with chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure found that forceful treatment to lower high blood pressure to about 130/80 provided the most benefit to sicker kidney disease patients those with protein in their urine.
    In this group of patients, there was about a 25 percent decrease in end-stage kidney disease compared to those who achieved a blood pressure goal of 140/90, which is the standard of doctors when treating patients with high blood pressure.
    Among patients who weren't as sick those with little or no protein in their urine efforts to lower blood pressure had little effect on kidney disease succession.
    Appel said, "This has always been a hot topic: Is a lower blood pressure target better at preserving kidney function than the standard goal? The answer is a trained yes, notably in people who have some protein in their urine".
    The results suggest that doctors should check for protein in the urine before they decide the blood pressure goal for blacks with kidney disease, he added.

    To Not Sleep, perhaps to Shorten Your Life

    Shortchanging yourself on sleep could shave years off your life if you are a man.So claims a new study that establish men who reported having insomnia or who slept for short periods of time were much more likely to die over a 14-year period.
    "Sleeplessness has potentially very severe side effects," said study co-author and sleep researcher Edward Bixler. "It wants to be treated, and more effort needs to be put into sorting out better treatments."
    Female insomniacs could be suffer the same fate, but the researchers only followed them for 10 years and researchers didn't notice any significant difference in mortality rates.Previous research has looked at sleep's effects on life span, but the new study is unique because it takes into report both people's perceptions about how much sleep they're getting (which can be wrong) and the actual amount of sleep they got in a laboratory.
    Bixler and his colleagues recruited more than 1,700 people from central Pennsylvania and followed the men (average age 50) for 14 years and the women (average age 47) for a decade. The participants answered questions and exhausted a night in a sleep laboratory.
    The researchers report their findings in the Sept.1 issue of the magazine Sleep. About a fifth of the men died through the study period, while 5 percent of the women did. The difference may be because women live longer than men and the study followed women for a shorter period, said Bixler, a professor of psychiatry at the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine.
    Even after adjusting their statistics so they wouldn't be scared out of your wits off by factors such as the prevalence of sleep apnea, the researchers found that self-described male insomniacs who slept fewer than six hours in the sleep lab were several times more likely to die during the 14-year period compared to "good sleepers."
    Among men, about 9 percent of "good sleepers" died during the study period, compared to more than half   51 percent of insomniacs with small sleep duration. As for women, they aren't in the clear, Bixler said. Since they live longer, it may take a study of a longer period to figure out whether they suffer from a similar effect, he noted.
    And there's another complicating factor, said J. Todd Arnedt, director of the Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program at the University of Michigan. Whereas he said the study was "well-conducted," the men appear to have been sicker than the women, potentially throwing off the results.

    Dental health rework conducted in Wyoming

    The primary study into dental health in Wyoming in twenty years has been conducted by the State Health Department.  The study, which was funded by the state, was released on Tuesday and found that the majority of children do not have contact to fluoridated water. Fluoride is additional to the water supply in many countries across the world, as it has been established to improve oral health. Fluoride helps to strengthen the defensive enamel surfaces of the teeth, making them stronger and more resistant to harmful bacteria, which basis decay. The review found that 76 percent of simple schools in the state did not have the recommended concentration of fluoride in the water; children from the schools with the lowest levels were also found to have the worst standards of oral health.
    The study also exposed that children who attended rural schools were more likely to go through from dental health problems; dental experts associate poor standards of oral health in rural areas with a lack of dentists in remote towns. Children in rural areas are less likely to be present at regular dental check-ups because there is a extensive lack of dentists in more remote areas.
    The findings of the study also indicated that roughly a third of children in the third grade had untreated tooth decay. Pregnant women were also not visiting their dentist on a regular basis and were at risk of oral health problems, which could contribute to complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
    The revelations from the study will be used to address issues in the state; it has been suggested that access to fluoridated water supplies should be improved and dentists are keen to promote good oral health amongst children and pregnant women.

    It is the time to get back to fitness class

    September is a correct time to get in shape, and there are lots of fun ways to do just that,



    So may be it's time for you to go back to class, too. Fitness class, that is. Like many other things, diversity is the spice of life, says East Bank Club personal trainer Noby Takaki.
    "When you do it over a period of time, everything can get boring," she says. "Variety helps to keep you motivated." This fall, the East Bank Club will begin to proffer private and semi-private sessions in TRX suspension training ($18-$37; 500 N. Kingsbury; 312-527-5800;
    "I have a client who has Parkinson's disease who uses it and loves it," she says. "An normal person can do this. As long as you can walk down the street without falling over, you can work out among TRX". she says, "I started out in one of the aerobic studios and now teach the class in the basketball court”. The goal of Zumba is to give a high-energy and fun workout utilizing salsa, merengue and flamenco to target every major muscle group in the body.
    Guerrero says that while Zumba is available to anyone who has a love of both music and dance, she's glad a workout targets the Latino community. "You just require to look at the numbers to realize that the Latino community is becoming more inactive and developing chronic illnesses tied to weight," she says. "Zumba gets people moving."